Parents dont set out to put pressure on their children

The starting point of an eating disorder can often be a diet. The media normally portrays these people as lively Electric Instant Water Heater Faucet and fun loving individuals. This can lead to frustration particularly if the feelings are negative.One thing that can have a dramatic and negative effect on young people of both genders is unrealistically high expectations from their parents. Parents dont set out to put pressure on their children but merely want to help them to create a positive future for themselves.timzbiz.A history of loneliness, anger, anxiety and depression. Anne Wolski has worked in the health and welfare industry for more than 30 years. In people who have underlying factors, it may be the thing that pushes him or her over the edge if the diet is prolonged.Some career paths put constant pressure on people to be thin.Slim people are shown in the media as being successful, happy, and always in control of their lives. It has already been established that people with clinical depression have lower levels of serotonin.There appears to be a higher value put on physical appearance than on the inner qualities and non physical attributes of people in the modernized culture. Often, these expectations affect all areas of their life such as education, sport, appearance, and weight control. Some theories include:In people with low levels of serotonin, eating disorders may be more likely to develop.Sometimes communication and expression are lacking in family relationships.Psychological FactorsThere appears to be certain personality traits that are more common to people with the predisposition to develop an eating disorder.Any of these factors can be exacerbated by the starvation caused by bulimia or anorexia, thus making the situation even worse for the sufferer. If only it were that simple!!! It is definitely important for those family and friends to focus on supporting the person while they recover from this disorder under the guidance of health professionals.

Men, in a similar way, are constantly bombarded with the image of the handsome and muscular man, leaving them with the belief that it is the normal and ideal body for a man.It is possible that people with eating disorders may have a reduced blood flow to part of their brain.Biological FactorsThere is some speculation that certain biological factors may contribute to the likelihood of a person developing an eating disorder.Having very high expectations of self and being unable to live up to these expectations. Of course, we must remember that not everyone who follows a diet will develop an eating disorder.Being unable to express their own needs and being unable to be assertive in their need to say no to others when needed.magnetic-health-online. In so doing, however, they may be setting that child up for an eating disorder. The person may have had a troubled childhood or may even have been a victim of abuse.For family or friends, the search for the single cause of a loved ones eating disorder is fruitless. These include:Lack of self esteem.

These however, are not the only causes of poor self esteem. Eating disorders have become a major health problem in recent years and, according to the health professionals, they are caused by many different factors.The chance of an eating disorder may be associated with the hormonal imbalances that are a characteristic of puberty.

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